A must for mini bikers!
The compact version of the balance bike trike impresses with numerous features and a cool look.
Novice drivers start with the safe, three-wheeled version.
3-way adjustable saddle heights and 3-way adjustable seat spacing allow perfect adjustment to the child.
With increasing driving ability and balance, the trike quickly becomes a classic balance bike.
Ultimate security plus:
the handlebar with impact limitation! Bell, detachable handlebar bag, rubber grips, indestructible EVA soft tires and a padded seat ensure driving pleasure!
First walker tricycle, then balance bike!
This is the perfect preparation for cycling without training wheels.
Balance bikes and trikes train motor skills, balance and coordination like no other children's vehicle - and all individually!
dimensions approx. 72 x 38 x 45 cm,
seat height approx. 25 - 33 cm,
maximum load 50 kg
Material: wood, plastic, metal
Danger! Not suitable for children under 12 months.
Please check for damage before each use.